Canton and Northville Michigan Schools
Canton, Michigan Schools
Canton, MI offers parents a variety of schools from which to choose. Along with traditional public schools, publicly run charter schools are strong in the Canton area. For example, Achieve Charter Academy has 563 children in attendance with a teacher/student ratio of 23:3. It is a free, public charter school. Their goal is to set high standards, make expectations clear, and provide meaningful instruction. This school gives children the challenges that foster learning.
All Saints School
All Saints School has 535 children and a student/teacher ratio of 16:7. It is a Roman Catholic school serving preschool through grade eight. All Saints Catholic School's mission is to nurture growth in mind, body, and spirit and to provide a Catholic education which encourages each student to reach his/her personal potential.
Bently Elementary School
At Bentley Elementary School, which has been in existence for seventeen years, there are 572 students and the teacher/student ratio is 19:4. Class size averages 26 children. It has received a distinguished Great Schools rating of eight out of ten.
Canton Charter Academy
Canton Charter Academy’s teacher/student ratio is 22:5 and has a student population of about 711 students. The school enjoys a strong connection between staff and parents and the school places strong emphasis on morals and values along with academics.
Crescent Academy International
Crescent Academy International, an Islamic school, has 187 students. Its teacher/student ratio is 7:0. This private elementary school’s philosophy is to nurture the faith and overall growth of their children as responsible Muslims. Both the students and parents are highly fond of the school, teachers and faculty.
Discovery Middle School
Discovery Middle School has a teacher/student ratio of 20:4. There are 982 students attending. This is one of the few public middle schools in Michigan to receive a Great Schools rating of 9 out of 10.
Dodson Elementary School
Dodson Elementary has 501 students. The teacher/student ratio is 18:4. Dodson is said to be an excellent school especially for children with learning disabilities – largely due its highly trained teachers, and the way that the staff differentiates among all levels of learning. Parents are very satisfied with the teaching methods, the facilities available and the overall curriculum. The parents are also very involved with the school.

Our Lady of Victory
Our Lady of Victory, a well-established Roman Catholic private school, has a student teacher ratio of 16:1 and the total number of children in attendance is 388. It is coed.
Plymouth Christian Academy
Plymouth Christian Academy is a private school with a student/teacher ratio of 7:0, and a student body of 630 students. Plymouth Christian Academy is non-denominationally Christian. The school provides a quality education designed to advance each student in four life areas: spiritual, academic, social, and physical. Parents are satisfied with their children’s education at Plymouth Christian School both spiritually and academically.
Salem High School
Salem High School has 2,053 students. The teacher/student ratio is 22:1. It receives a Great Schools rating of 10 out of 10. Parents state that the academics at Salem High are great and the extracurricular activities are outstanding.
To learn more about educational opportunities in Canton, Michigan, visit
Northville, Michigan Schools
In Northville, MI parents benefit from great educational choices for their children. Amerman Elementary School, for example, is committed to the process of continual improvement. Amerman Elementary focuses on the success of your child in academia, the arts, physical development, social skills, and responsible decision making. Amerman Elementary, with about 550 students, has a student/teacher ratio of 19:4 and continues to record high academic test scores.
Hillside Middle School
At Hillside Middle School there are about 552 students. The student/ teacher ratio is 16:1. The principal is very responsive and involved with the progress of Hillside’s students. The staff and teachers are friendly and always helpful. The MEAP, a standardized test through the Michigan Department of Education that measures how well students are mastering certain skills, rates Hillside Middle School at the 90th and 100th percentile. This middle school has great ratings both from the children and the parents.
Meads Middle School
Meads Middle School has 915 students and enjoys a student/teacher ratio of 17:4. It received a distinguished Great Schools rating of 10 out of 10. It has an average community rating of 4 out of 5 stars. The academics at Meads Middle school are very vigorous. The approach to teaching and learning at Meads Middle school are a balance of alternative and creative to very traditional.

Moraine Elementary School
Meads Middle School has 915 students and enjoys a student/teacher ratio of 17:4. It received a distinguished Great Schools rating of 10 out of 10. It has an average community rating of 4 out of 5 stars. The academics at Meads Middle school are very vigorous. The approach to teaching and learning at Meads Middle school are a balance of alternative and creative to very traditional.
Northville High School
The total number of students at Northville High School is 2229. The teacher to student ratio is 19.1. This school, too, has received a distinguished Great Schools rating of 10 out of 10 in the MEAP testing.
Old Village School
Old Village School is situated on Main Street in the heart of downtown Northville. It has a student/teacher ratio of 6.5. The total number of student’s in attendance is 117. Old Village School serves children with special education needs.
Northville Christian School
Northville Christian School has 375 students. Its affiliation is with the Assembly of God church. It is coed and serves grades PreK- 8. Along with its academic focus, parents love the mentoring and emphasis on children’s character they receive at Northville Christian.
Our Lady of Victory
Our Lady of Victory, a well-established Roman Catholic private school, has a student teacher ratio of 16:1 and the total number of children in attendance is 388. It is coed.
Ridgewood Elementary School
Ridgewood Elementary School has a student/teacher ratio of 18:5 and there are 628 students. Their pledge is “We will help all children develop PACES (physically, academically, creatively, emotionally, socially) to the best of their abilities.” This school blasted off in August 2002. The school’s mission is to create a dynamic environment where everyone respects the unique personalities, beliefs, and needs of others. This school rates 9 out of 10 in Great Schools evaluation criteria. The school community has rated this school and given it 5 out of 5 stars.
Silver Springs Elementary School
Silver Springs Elementary School serves grade 1-5. Silver Springs Elementary has received 10 out of 10 in the Great Schools rating and holds a rating of 5 out of 5 stars. The teacher quality is excellent and ranks highly in the district, and parental involvement couldn’t be better. The student teacher ratio is 17:8 and there are 469 students in attendance.
With the many great schools to choose from, clearly your children will get the education they need in the environment that is best for them in Northville, MI. Please visit for more school listings.
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